[Online Event in German] China@Home Webseminar „China plus 1 – Die Eier sollen aus dem Korb“

Man sollte nie alle Eier in einen Korb legen. Mit dieser Binsenweisheit möchte die Bunderegierung die deutsche Wirtschaft weg von China und in neue Märkte lotsen. Dass es nicht ganz ohne China geht, ist jedoch auch der Politik bewusst, weshalb sie nur eine Diversifizierung der wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten, aber keine Abkehr vom chinesischen Markt fordert. Eine […]

Fiducia & Kea “GREATER CHINA DAYS”: Game Changers for Business Transformation in China and APAC

Amid a context of global uncertainty, China and the Asia Pacific region remain key strategic markets for many Western companies. After nearly three years of containment measures and travel restrictions, companies operating in the mainland must cope with new market dynamics: lack of connectivity, operation transparency and remote hiring challenges. How can you make sure […]

Webinar | In China for China Strategy: The Roadmap to Localisation

As part of its plans to achieve economic independence in more strategic sectors, China just released a series of measures prohibiting the import of foreign medical goods without prior government approval. While such decision will encourage medical institutions to source more domestic products, foreign manufacturers may have no choice but to localise production to remain […]

Webinar | 2022 DUSA Salary Survey: Key Learnings and their Implications for HR in China

As the international business community in China continues to be rocked by travel restrictions, lockdowns and quarantines, many firms are questioning the viability of remaining in the Middle Kingdom. In this webinar, Fiducia Management Consultants and the European Association of Suzhou (DUSA) explored the surprising results of the “2022 DUSA Salary Survey”, shedding light on the HR and […]

Anniversary Publication Series | Part 2/3: Localising Your Production in China

Amid geopolitical tensions with the United States and the impact of the global pandemic, China sought to stabilise its economy by focusing on its domestic market and incentivising companies to produce locally “in China for China” (ICFC). Despite the growth opportunities for our Clients already operating in China, recent policy shifts, such as the Dual Circulation Policy, […]

Webinar | Managing the Crisis: Compliance Challenges in Locked-Down China

What tools do you have at hand to control and ensure compliance of your PRC entity? The latest round of anti-pandemic measures once again disrupts the operation of many foreign entities in China. A recent flash survey of the German Chamber of Commerce found that 73% of the respondents’ business operations are in areas under […]