Name: Philip Krahn
Title: Managing Director
Company Website:
1. How has Fiducia supported you?Over the past 5 years, Fiducia has conducted several extensive market and location analyses that provided us with clear recommendations for our China expansion strategy. Based on Fiducia’s understanding of Albis and the Chinese market, they were ideally positioned to incorporate our China WFOE, support us with a variety of related corporate services, and recruit for several key vacancies in our China, Hong Kong, and Asia operations.
2. What has been your highlight of working with Fiducia?
Their well-structured methodology, combined with their expert knowledge in the manufacturing industry and in-depth understanding of our market in China delivered impeccable results. Fiducia’s clear communication style kept us in the loop throughout the entire process, which made us confident in our choice of partner for this significant investment project.
3. How have you benefited from Fiducia’s expertise?
Fiducia’s comprehensive experience with the plastics industry, as well as the company’s wide-reaching network in China, impressed us right from the start. Fiducia exhibited a high degree of professionalism in every step of the process and continues to be our trusted advisor for our China operations.