Strengthening Company Culture Through CSR

For a company’s values to become a real binding force, they must be reflected in everything it does – in its behaviour towards clients, colleagues, and also towards the broader community.

In 2010, Fiducia decided to put its spirit of integrity, dedication, and fairness into action through our CSR programme “Fidu-Share”.

Under Fidu-Share we’ve worked with NGO partners to improve the welfare of the elderly, raise environmental awareness, and increase the social inclusion of children. With time, Fidu-Share has become an essential part of our identity as an employer.

”It’s great to see how many candidates mention Fidu-Share as a reason why they want to join our team” – Stephen Wong, Fiducia HR Head

We’re proud to see our efforts recognised by the German Chamber’s “More than a Market” award and the “Caring Company” award in Hong Kong. More importantly, we’re determined to continue supporting good causes and enabling every team member to feel part of an organisation with a soul and purpose.


Caring Company


More than a Market Award