How Fiducia Can Help You to Safeguard Your Business Against Cyberattacks
As more business moves online during COVID, we at Fiducia have seen an increase in cybercrime, especially email “phishing”. This is a common threat, becoming ever more sophisticated and difficult to detect.
At Fiducia, we continuously ensure our compliance measures are robust enough to prevent, detect and respond to increasingly complex security threats and protect sensitive client information.
We highly recommend all our valued clients and partners to do the same. Below we share our tips to safeguard your company’s IT security, along with specific advice on how to develop immunity against phishing attacks. Do reach out to us if you would like to discuss how we could support you and which protective software we recommend to use.
Four Software-Related Actions
1. Implement multi-factor authentication
Protect your email account and system access by requiring users to input two or more verification factors for authentication, i.e. a password plus security code or fingerprint scan.
2. Keep software security up-to-date
Make sure any software used by your company is using the latest security patches and updates. These updates may contain fixes for security flaws that if ignored could leave your system weaker and at greater risk of attack.
3. Install sophisticated antivirus software
Select a network-wide antivirus solution that provides proactive monitoring and detection of threats such as ransomware and malware, in line with your operational requirements.
4. Deploy effective spam and web filters
Remove the security threats before they reach your system by preventing users from unintentionally downloading viruses or blocking access to malicious websites.
Three Internal Actions
1. Strengthen “SOPs” to prevent fraudulent payments
Notify employees, clients and connected suppliers of strict security procedures to be followed if suspicion over any aspect of payment arises. Periodically confirm sensitive client and supplier information such as bank details or registered address.
2. Train your team how to be vigilant
It can be extremely difficult to identify fraudulent emails. Look for any inconsistencies in email addresses, personal or banking information. Be wary of any requests for changes to regular transactions or details such as bank accounts, it could well be a fraudster purporting to be an existing client or supplier.
3. Carry out cybersecurity training, also with external partners
Company-wide education is one of the most important defences against phishing emails. Mock phishing scenarios, as well as real-life examples of fraudulent emails, will help employees to identify potential attacks and know how to react before damage occurs.
For more details and tips, contact us at