Tree Planting (SH)
21 of us Fidu-Share Shanghai team came out to Changxing Island Country Park to Plant trees. We have gained a lot of sunshine on a good day and have also made a commitment to the environment.
Fidushare Ambassadors SYB (SH)
Last Friday (22 Dec), Shanghai Fidu-share ambassadors – Bella, Claire, Sophia, Tina, Xiaoyan, I with Shirley and Song had a great volunteer experience with our new NGO partner SYB( Their mission is to lift marginalized Chinese youths out of poverty. Our donation could cover part of the training costs for the students and empower them […]
Great Santa Night Run 2017 (HK)
Last Saturday (16 Dec), 16 FiduShare volunteers and 9 of their family members braved the cold and windy weather to take part in our last but not least exciting event of 2017: FiduShare/ Great Santa Night Run in Hong Kong. We went, we challenged ourselves, we conquered, and took home: Highest Fundraising Award by a […]